Craft beer produced in La Spezia

Sad news, we will be closed until further notice.

We have the passion in the whole process of making outstanding beer. Starting from the recipes and prototypes, brewing and finally taking it out to our customers to get feedback. Offering craft beer to people who enjoy the taste of beer made from high quality products such as the malt, hops, yeast and other ingredients we use.

The story began in a completely different part of Europe. With Late Night Brewery in Stockholm, Sweden. A side project that we ran for a few years until we desided to move everything to La Spezia, Italy. A place that was, and still is, close to our hearts. Both the people and the wonderful area. With new, larger equipment, we made the first batch of beer in December 2016.

Indipendente Artigianale una garanzia Unionbirrai

Our beers

Find us

La Spezia Brewing Company Srls

Viale Giovanni Amendola 228
19122 La Spezia (SP), Italia


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L’impresa La Spezia Brewing Company SRLS, CF e P.IVA – 01429440116, nel corso dell’Anno 2021, ha ricevuto aiuti di Stato pubblicati sul Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti – sezione trasparenza, di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012, a cui si fa riferimento.